
" The Character Building University "

FMIPA Unimed Student Achieved Bronze Medal at Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE)

Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) – Unimed students reinvented the achievements in the event Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) The 17th international expo on invention and innovations 2018 held at PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 22-24 february 2018. Showing 500 exhibitions in 2018. Themed “Asia’s Invention and Innovations Marketplace”, MTE 2018 provides an ideal place for inventors, designers and entrepreneurs to showcase their latest inventions, ideas, prototypes. Apart from Malaysia, the participants come from Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Iran, Palestinians, and Korea. Products and designs to investors, manufacturers, distributors and marketers in Asia and beyond who are looking for new ideas to work on, make it an ideal platform for commercialization and technology collaboration.

MTE aims to uphold the ideals of innovation and high scientific progress, as an ideal platform for inventors, innovators and technopreneurs to build their identity and promote innovative ideas that can potentially change the world. The joint award program, Invention & Innovation Awards and Malaysian International Design Expo & Awards (mIDEAS) will once again bring recognition of the best invention, design and innovation of the year. The award is organized and supported by the Malaysian Association of Research Scientists (MARS).

In the event held at Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE), Unimed Students received a bronze medal for their innovation. They are Habib Hernando (Bilingual Chemistry 2015), Sarah Rapma Sitanggang (Bilingual Biology 2016), Nelly Br. Pakpahan (Bilingual Biology 2016), Monika Agustina (Bilingual Biology 2016), Melky Waddy Silalahi (Bilingual Physics 2016), Dita Natalia Simamora (Bilingual Physics 2017), Margaretha Siburian (Bilingual Mathematics 2017), Dicky Mahaputra Tarigan (Bilingual Biology 2014) product name: “Sangge Ni Pote Spray”

Different place Rector Unimed Prof. Syawal gave thanks, was proud and touched by the achievement of his bronze medalist at the Malaysian Technology Expo (MTE) event. “The fragrant news is very happy for us leaders and civitas Unimed. This achievement is also expected to encourage and encourage lecturers and students to continue to innovate in various scientific findings, in order to continue to carve out the achievements in various international and national competitions so as to realize Unimed into World Class University. Unimed student achievement also strengthens the evidence of young Indonesian scientists are very potential, “said Rector Unimed Prof. Syawal Gultom.

continued Prof. Syawal said we can longer echo in national and international events. This is a proof of the academic process and learning culture in Unimed campus has been running optimally, lecturers and students have been carrying out their duties and functions respectively. We hope that we will continue to be born with other achievements achieved by Unimed lecturers and students in various grants and competitions. Through the achievements that Unimed members have achieved, we continue to evaluate for even better achievements in the future. Unimed will continue to be present with the community to improve the life and competitiveness of the nation. (Unimed Public Relations).