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Biology Student UNIMED Achieved Gold Medal at IYIA 2017


JAKARTA – Biology Student of FMIPA Unimed succeeded in achieving international level in product innovation category of research result. They are: Dicky Mahaputra Tarigan, student of Bilingual Biology Education Study class of 2014 FMIPA Unimed together two Unimed students of one department namely, Rahel Natalia Saragih (Prodi Education Bilingual Biology class of 2015) and Nurlaini Nasution (Prodi Pendidikan Biologi Bilingual force 2015), succeed incised achievements in the International-level Competition by winning the Gold Medal. The 4th International Young Inventor Award (IYIA) competition is held at the University of Mercu Buana Jakarta on September 22-24, 2017. The International Young Inventor Award (IYIA) is an annual competition organized by the Indonesian Invention and Innovation Promotion Association (INNOPA) IFIA, WIIPA and some other International Office partners. The event was followed by hundreds of inventors from several countries, including Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, Egypt, Maccau, Philippines, Vietnam, Jordan, India, Taiwan and Indonesia. This international competition annually invites innovative young researchers because one assessment is product innovation, commercialization and marketing, and performance and practice.

Dicky Mahaputra recounts that this contest is the concept of exhibition where every invention gets a table with judging system is presentation and question and answer in English. “Jurors from various countries, spinning around each table and doing question-and-answer with inventors,” Dicky said. “The tools that should be provided in this event include posters, brochures and invention products.” Description of the work, product excellence, implementation and subject of patent is a must-issue question.

Unimed Biology student team carries the product under the title; Nelly Cup: Nephelium Jelly Cup. Nelly Cupitu is gelatinous herbs made from rambutan skin that can prevent free radicals and cancer cells. beber Dicky “We have tested the effectiveness of our innovation with several trials. Based on our data, galia acts as an antioxidant and helps to protect us from oxidative damage. Acid buy shows the nature of the cytotoxicity of cancer cells, without damaging healthy cells. Gelic acid is also used to treat albuminura and diabetes. In addition, waste from the product of nelly cup can be used as organic fertilizer so as not to cause new problems from the manufacture of jherbal gelatin made from rambutan leather waste this. This category according to him is a very difficult challenge because the opponent is a sophisticated and extraordinary invention that has been based on advanced research even some of them have already patent rights. During our work the team also encountered some obstacles such as time management, trial and preparation.

Rector Unimed Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, when getting news that Unimed Biology students get gold medals in international competition, he expressed his gratitude and congratulated and succeed to Biology student for his Gold Medal, hope this proud achievement can be a motivation for teams and all Unimed students to continue to excel. Our leaders continue to encourage the entire civitas of lecturers, students and employees to always try to add self-competence and continue to innovate to follow various competitions according to their field. We will support the maximum with the positive aim of adding to the achievement wagra civitas Unimed. If achievements at various levels, especially national and international level we can achieve, of course very berkolerasi with quality quality of our graduates, so the level of confidence of the community and stakeholders related higher. (Unimed Public Relations).